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Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizer From Earthworm
Without ever attending college, Bayu Suryono (38) capable of designing environmentally friendly fertilizer formula that is now gaining popularity among farmers. Thanks to the persistence experiment fer-tion of the worms (Lumbricus rubellus), the man who last qualified upper secondary school (high school) majoring in Social Sciences that, even rivaling the fame Ir Bambang Sudiarto, Padjadjaran University biology professor (Padjadjaran University), Bandung.In fact, before the familiar chemical elements contained in the animal body was soft, an employee of the Government of Yogyakarta City is actually sit under Bambang. Mid 1999, he was willing to skip from the office, for training and engineering technologies worm farming worm Bambang held in Bandung.Beginning in 2000, the father of two children managed to find a formulation of liquid organic fertilizer with worms raw material and starch plants. The formula gained recognition from the Laboratory of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta. Analysis of Ir Dr Abdul Gratitude findings confirmed that the formula Bayu meet 19 parameters as liquid fertilizer. Substances abortion is a major nutrient needs of plants in his growth process, fertilization, and protection, such as the element nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), ferum; iron (Fe), and Zink; zinc (Zn).After obtaining a patent from the Department of Justice and Human Rights, the formula is produced commercially by the trademark "Bio-KG". From a cottage industry business in the dense residential area, District Banguntapan, around Kota Gede, Yogyakarta, Bayu and two or three workers produce about four or five tons of liquid fertilizer per month.The number of workers absorbed certainly not significant to overcome the unemployment rate continues to swell. However, the socio-economic side, "plant" fertilizer that shelter under Kleco Group, it has become relied tens to hundreds of breeders worm that spread in Yogyakarta and parts of Central Java as Magelang and Klaten.In each week, Bayu receive supply 100-200 kg of breeder worms. Each pound of worms priced at Rp 20,000. The process of marketing and promotion using social networks, which resemble the plasma-core model of partnership. Each farmer was embraced as a distributor. There are times when the transaction can be compensated for by raw materials on consignment products. This model shows work alloy raw material supply, production, and marketing."Otherwise, I am looking for raw materials could be overwhelmed," said Bayu. Moreover, he added, with vigorous campaign the use of environmentally friendly fertilizer, farmers demand continues to rise. The first year, Kleco Group only accepts requests 2-3 tons. Now, almost two-fold increase.***PROCESS organic liquid fertilizer production version of the Bayu, stems from the destruction of worms by grinding. Worm slurry of starch is mixed with about 20 species of plants, including sprouts, leaf pleaded, and gadung. Furthermore, the "dough" that is fermented for a month.The resulting liquid was given the name "Bio-KG". Two of the last letter stands for Kleco Group, the company name. Sometimes, the husband of Goddess Indraswari Hesti was called as an abbreviation of Kota Gede, where he was born December 16, 1963. While Kleco itself, the name of a village in Solo, where he was raised by a father-mother (Suradi-Sumarni).With the promotion of mouth among ranchers and farmers worms, KG business network already spread throughout the Java-Madura, and Bali, and most of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.One pack (1 liter) of Bio-KG is sold for Rp 25,000. The price is relatively cheaper than chemical fertilizers, urea compatriots, which could cost Rp 40,000 for the same land berluas.The trial results on rice land owned in the village of Waji Riyanto Hartono Ngebel Tirto Park, Bantul District, showed significant differences between the use of organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer. On an area of ​​1,000 square feet, spraying an organic liquid fertilizer succeeded in increasing the production of 150 kg or 1.5 quintals, with the age of 75 days of harvest. Meanwhile, the use of chemical fertilizers, only to jack up production of 50 kg by the age of 85 days of harvest.In a matter of economics, the use of liquid fertilizer Bio-KG on 1,000 square meters of land produce 360 ​​kg of rice. If rice is assumed at Rp 2,500 per kg, then the sale of rice at Rp 800,000. Compare with the use of chemical fertilizers which only produce 210 kg of rice from the same piece of land valued at a maximum of Rp 420,000.Another advantage, the use of organic liquid fertilizer could penganggu damping rate of growth of grass (weeds). In fact, even an insect pest, do not dare to approach. Bayu said, "That's because gadung nectars contain substances that do not favor the caterpillar."Liquid Fertilizer Bio-KG also used effective to plant onions, carrots, ginger, tobacco, salak, onion, watermelon, and other horticultural crops. Use of Bio-KG on onion crop on an area of ​​350 square meters, not only to increase production from 250 to 300 kg, but also to speed up the harvest from 70 to 60 days.For carrots, the trial results in Magelang showed increased yield of 5 to 7.5 quintal quintal of 500 square meters of land. Also advanced the harvest period from 90 days to 85 days. Not excessive, if the district government (Pemkab) Bantul (Yogyakarta) to make Bio-KG as a product of local pride."Product innovation and is full of idealism, especially for farmers who often complain about the price of urea fertilizer," says H Idham Samawi, the Regent of Bantul.In order to develop land south of the sand beach, Bantul regency farmers also recommend using Bio-KG for various types of horticulture. The consideration, in addition to reducing the level of expenditures for agricultural production, organic fertilizer is also believed to maintain the content and stability of the soil nutrient.***Bayu perseverance came from concern over the fate of a worm farmer. He remembers the craze raising worms in the early 1997 monetary crisis. In the spring of termination of employment (FLE) is the worm business is considered as one solution. Later, a worm boom was received from the market. The main cause, there is no sustainable market mechanism on the results of worms livestock. Bayu thought to process the worm into a commercial product, although the scale of the household.Because farmers do not want the worm into the trap of capitalism, Bayu rejected when a firm bid on the formula Rp 500 million. If he thinks short, the offer can be directly he Sabet. Compared to his salary as a lowly civil servants, the offer was certainly tempting."I was not dazzled by money," he said. By marketing the formula, he could even make a profit doubled from last bid. As per the company motto, he chose to spread democratic economy. (Nasrullah NARA)

- Tomat, Harapan Sentra Agribisnis Palangka Raya
- Pembasmi Hama dengan Fornula EKD
- Pupuk Organik Cair dari Urine Manusi
- Sudarno Pencipta Tongnopos dan Cairan MBS
- Teknologi Pemupukan
- Membuat Peternakan Cacing Sendiri
- Pembuatan Pelet Ikan dari Cacing Tanah
- Ekstrak Tanaman Untuk Atasi Hama
- Enceng Gondok untuk Bahan Bakar Biogas
- Manfaat Tanaman Azolla
- Tanaman Azolla Pengganti Pupuk Urea
- Mengubah Asap Menjadi Pestisida Organik
- Cacing tanah menyuburkan tanah
- Pembuatan Kompos dengan Cacing Tanah
- Limbah Peternakan untuk budidaya Cacing Tanah
- Pembuatan Kompos dengan Cacing Tanah
- Cacing tanah menyuburkan tanah
- Mengubah Asap Menjadi Pestisida Organik
- Tanaman Azolla Pengganti Pupuk Urea
- Manfaat Tanaman Azolla
- Enceng Gondok untuk Bahan Bakar Biogas
- Ekstrak Tanaman Untuk Atasi Hama
- Pembuatan Pelet Ikan dari Cacing Tanah
- Membuat Peternakan Cacing Sendiri
- Teknologi Pemupukan
- Sudarno Pencipta Tongnopos dan Cairan MBS
- Pupuk Organik Cair dari Urine Manusi
- Pembasmi Hama dengan Fornula EKD
- Tomat, Harapan Sentra Agribisnis Palangka Raya